Legendary Workshops
Legendary Workshop: Showing Up Legendary
These in-person experiences will be a guide to begin understanding the legendary qualities we all share and how to access these qualities as individuals. Each Workshop will include 35 participants, ages 13 – 18.
Workshop Agenda
We establish that this is a safe space, each participant agrees to that.
The goal is to understand ourselves better and redefine what we believe beauty is supposed to encapsulate within who we are. What qualities would our participants want to see represented in the media in terms of inclusion and the role models we are presented with? Reference the Bechdel test as a starting point.
1. What do you think it means to be beautiful?
How would you like beauty to be talked about to be more inclusive? Is there language that we’re using that discourages inclusivity?
2. What is a Legend? Who is Legendary? Who do you look up to? What does it mean to be Legendary? Who are the Legends in our lives? Who are the role models we look up to?
Have them write down who their role models are / who they look up to. This could be any woman whether it’s someone in their life, a celebrity, an influencer, a politician, an author, a woman still living or a woman who has passed; anyone who inspires them.
Pinpoint what is about them that they value. Explore what qualities in these role models speaks to them.
Ask them why they value these qualities and if these qualities are ones that they want to emulate.
3. Keynote Speaker
4. Discover Your Legend
What is your Legend? Each participant will find out what Legend they are, and will get a Legend tee shirt.
5. Meet Your Mentor
The attendees will join their fellow Legend members in break out groups and meet their Legend Mentor. A discussion will follow about the attributes of their Legend.
6. Come Together
We will recap and hear from our Legend Mentors.
7. Breakout Groups
The participants and their mentors will break out into seven different Legend categories. Within those breakout groups, participants will discuss their Legendary qualities. They will talk about how they can use these attributes and skills that they most admire about themselves to improve their lives and the lives around them.
8. Express Your Legend
Expression: how do you express yourself; with your voice, your actions, how you dress, how you do your makeup? Is it around the people in your life, is it online, is it privately? Try to be as specific as possible; it can include as many ways as you want.
Using your tools of expression: Books, makeup, jewelry, décor
Design Your Legend / Write Your Story
9. Introducing the Legends
After a break, all participants will come back together. They will be introduced, call out their Legend, say what their 3 Legendary qualities are, and share their stories.
10. Declaration Statements/Changing Their Worlds
Brainstorm ways they have influence on the world around them and how they can be the change they want to see in the world. Expand upon how being a legendary individual can help build and support other women in everyday life.
Wrap up and Call to Action
Upon completion of the workshop, each participant will be emailed a Certificate of Completion, as well as a Legend Gift Box to be mailed to them.